Ready to Partner Up?

As an AMA Triangle partner, you’ll receive on-going promotion through a number of channels!

Partnership Opportunities Available

With members from the Fortune 500, top creative agencies, state and local government, media, nonprofits, and a diverse range of public and private corporations, we offer you an outstanding opportunity to target a wide range of marketing professionals with purchasing power.

While we have opportunities noted below, all of our partnership packages are 100% customized to the needs of our partners so you can get exactly what you need, when you need it.

Let us know your goals and we’ll work with you to find the perfect fit. You’ll be in good company, too.

See our current list of partners for 2024-2025.

Current Partnership Opportunities

AMA Leadership Luncheon Sponsorship

Be one of 2-3 sponsors for our popular Leadership Luncheons. 
Cost: $500

Here’s what we can offer in exchange for a $500 cash sponsorship.

  • Our logo (with a link) on all of our weekly emails to our list of 2,500 people (mostly marketers).
  • Your logo (with a link) on our home page through June 30th (end of our fiscal year).
  • Your logo and description of the product as part of our introduction to our guest speaker.
  • Opportunity to distribute literature at the event and/or set up a table.
  • A blog post on the product/company on our website.
  • A separate email highlighting the product/company.
  • Two guest passes for lunch and recognition of your presence if you attend.

Become a Partner Today

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