
As a nonprofit, partnerships enable our volunteers to make the magic happen and further extend our reach in the community.

Interested in Partnering?

We designed our partnership program with value and ROI in mind. No other group offers you this level of targeted exposure and access to the region’s marketing community. Partnering with AMA Triangle can help you get your message out to the largest group of marketing professionals in greater Triangle area.



Build Awareness

We work hard to keep partners top-of-mind when our members are ready to make a buying decision. As a valued partner, you’ll receive ongoing promotion through a number of channels including:

  • Monthly Signature Speaker Series events
  • Networking social events
  • E-marketing promotions
  • Our website
  • Social media

There are a number of options available to help you find the right mix to reach your audience.


Two men standing in a sponsorship exhibit booth.

Cultivate Talent

We love bringing great companies and top talent together. Partner opportunities can include:

  • Post openings on our job board

  • Attendance at the annual job fair



Become a Partner Today

Fill out our form and our partnership team will be in touch.